2:30 this afternoon - Guard rails installed. Water now rising over bypass.
We will wait and see how the water recedes by tomorrow a.m. to see if guard rails can be installed on East bank bridge section. A few more dry days will allow the cranes to set up on either side of the creek to install the last pieces of the bridge.
Could you please update the public with the condition of all of the rest of trails and parts of trails on at least a weekly basis, i.e., the other bridges under construction and the condition of the University extension. How is a user supposed to know except to starting walking or riding and then possibly find a part of the trail unusable.
Good morning and thanks for your comments. I am the project inspector for this specific site and therefore can only report on the bridge and trail conditions within it's scope. If the trail conditions on other trails are adversely impacted by weather or construction we will be posting those notifications independent of this string. Also our main website has information about trail closures.
The university section is not maintained by Parks & Recreation staff and we unfortunately do not have easy access to it to report on their trail conditions. you can contact the MU recreation services department at(573) 882-2067
The bridge replacement at the MU section is a Non-Motorized Transportation Pilot Program and Federal On-System Bridge Replacement & Rehabilitation Program Project. You can contact Public Works Department at(573) 874-7250 for further information.
I will pass on your comments to Mike Griggs Parks Service Manager to see if we can get more updates posted for you.
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