Monday, October 12, 2009

Trail Condition Updates: Monday, 10/12/09

This is not so much an update on the trail conditions as much as letting everyone know where staff is heading this morning. The department's Forestry program is responsible for all trail maintenance and their program area consists of a Forester, Groundskeeper II, Groundskeeper I and an Equipment Operator II. The program also has 3 seasonal employees at this time of year.

1. Downtown tunnels. Two staff members are heading downtown to clean out all of the tunnels that still had water rushing through it on Friday. Depending on the severity of the deposited debris, these should be clear by the end of the day.

2. MKT Trail. A larger crew is heading to the MKT Trail to concentrate on the sink holes and begin work on the trail, specifically the sections between Forum and Scott Blvd. This will likely take a few days.

3. Bear Creek Trail-Creasy Springs. Since it's too wet to mow, some of our mowing crew will be assisting with the removal of the sand and silt that was deposited on the Bear Creek Trail. Areas of concentration will be between Creasy Springs Road and Cosmo Park.

Once the MKT Trail is back in operational shape, staff will touch-up on the Hinkson Creek Trail.

If anyone has any trail problems to report or simply want to bring something to our attention, please do not hesitate to send me an email at

This blog will be updated again at the end of the day.

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