Friday, November 7, 2008

Dead Carp at Twin Lakes--No Concern

On Monday morning, November 3, we counted 11 dead carp on Monday and immediately contacted the Missouri Dept of Conservation asking them to check it out. Since carp was the only fish found dead by our staff and theirs, it at least shows that the water quality is not the cause. Carp is the last fish to die in cases of poor water quality and other contaminants.

Had there been gizzard shad, bass, catfish or other species, we and MDC would be very concerned. One explanation offered by MDC was that these fish were either caught by fishermen and just tossed back in mortally wounded or that some private individual tried to stock the lake with fish from another lake.

Wish I had a better explanation, but I'm afraid I don't have the answer.

However, we're watching it very closely.

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